Relationship stuff, mostly

Jul 18, 2005 11:46

Okay, I suddenly feel like taking the time to post o_o;;;

So, life has been moving along. My relationship survived a near miss - and yet we still have not had anything that one could call an "arguement". I guess she and I just resolve our problems differently than other people... but we're still very much together, anyway. I'd like to think we're going even stronger than before, actually ^^;;; but the distance is definitely taking a toll. As usual, she's going through life pretty much alone (her mother doesn't care - in a choice between a $500 dollar vacuum and the $500 for her daughter's college enrollment fee, she chose the vacuum). As usual, I'm 5000 miles away and I can do no more than give moral support -_- I hate it.

That's ending when the summer ends, though. As soon as she gets out of her BestBuy job, I'm going to fly up there, grab her, and come back via train (she's scared to death of flying, so yeah). Then maybe her life will suck less. It will be an unbelievable boon for herto be around someone who actually cares about her ^^ and, yes, I plan on proposing to her in the not-too-distant future. I think a year and a half of a relationship plus knowing her for two years is enough for nobody to call me rash...

Well, I'll leave some updating for future posts ^^
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