Holy aviaries Batman!

Mar 09, 2005 13:45

Well, in the past few months I've been living like a king. I've been pretty drunk or stoned alot lately.....which is sort of unhealthy but oh well, It's almost time to quit for a while (or atleast to cut it back alot). I've been hanging out with these girls from Teays valley alot lately. they are fuckin awesome, we always have alot of fun lol. Like the other day we were just driving around wooing at people which they are the ones that started doing it.... which was funny cuz just like a week before that I was drivin around with Derrick and Adam and doing the same thing hahaha.

lets see here.... some serious things that have happened in the past couple months

december / january: I continued to try to be with roach but things just werent going my way at all. I had a couple mental break downs in this period. i guess roach managed to push me over the edge. i started drinking and other things again to deal with my mental issues. then i stopped doing it to deal with things and started doing it for fun...which is how it should be. i went to logan a whole lot which also really helped me get my mind off things. started hanging out with D-Rock again

febuary: did a few final attempts with roach (most importantly valentines day) but she decided to go with roger instead which was understandable since they already had plans, but i tried going to her house later that evening so we could hang out...i took a drunk mcjosh along with me cuz he wanted to see jamie. roach made me leave (even tho i hadnt been drinking or anything) i was pretty upset and offended so i went home and did tripple c's. roach shows up later wanting to have a talk which i wanted to do earlier....but clearly i was out of it but i still remember everything that happened although i was a dick to her. she was pouring her heart out to me, and saying how i have all these friends to talk to about things and to help me through it and i responded with "yeah, well i dont make out with all of my friends" then she just kinda got up and left. lets see what else happened in febuary..... I met Rachel(aka Mitch), Kaitlin, and Amanda X2 and a few more of their friends. I finally stopped feeling that need to be with someone and started enjoying the single life. Met GJ and hes fastly moving up the ranks as a great friend we have a whole lot in common, he has alot in common with adam also.....so maybe a triforce will once again be formed like back in the days of me adam and greg. well i guess you could consider adam derrick and i a triforce...hmmmm...

so far this past week: hung out with Mitch a whole lot and her friends, got some absinthe (its freakin awesome), Roach made her final attempts and now never wants to talk to me again, i wanted to be back with her...but i really didnt see it working out in the end which that would just add more complication and drama and make things more bitter between us, i wanted to just be friends atleast for a while till i see how i want my life to go, but she didnt want that so i guess its just time to move on. I started dating mitch yesterday... we talked about it and we both want a non serious relationship.... one where we just have alot of fun and arnt up eachothers asses all the time, but also with some commitment so that sounds fun and we will see how that plays out....
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