hate hate hate

Aug 30, 2004 00:08

so i saw this guy the other day and he was wearing a shirt that pissed me off and made me hate america even more. at first i thought it was just a pic of the american flag waving. BUT as i looked closer it wasnt waves i was seeing it was JESUS on the fuckin american flag and below it it stated "in god we trust" i was so pissed off. seperation of church and state my ass. what about all the other ppl in this country with other religions, how would they feel about that. i know if i was a religious finatic and saw that on a tshirt id want to fly a plane into an important building myself.

luckily that day i felt justified because lindsey was wearing her anti-flag shirt and i was wearing my religion breeds ignorance shirt.

another thing that was brought up today that i hate is pro-life men. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO SAY A GOD DAMN THING ABOUT IT. your not a female, and you dont hafta go through the birth process. god damn.

a list of other things i hate

police, jacob mcgill, bob sparkman, greg jones, christians(all sects), most republicans, most democrats, most rednecks, white "gangsters", most hippies (although the whole love and peace thing was good i just hate them in general), capitalism, the american empire, "policing" of other countries, the usa, the patriot act, whores (male and female)*i dont discriminate*, people that completely change themselves according to who they are around, hardcore, nu metal, most pop punk, most metal, most rap, most country, most techno, spiders...most of the time, most small dogs, guys that treat women like shit, women that treat guys like shit, the phrase "the man of the house" and all the guys that use that as an excuse to over power all others opinions in your household, alcoholics, ppls thats slaved themselves to drugs, ppl that allow religion to put a bias on all your beleifs even if you feel differently, vecna, sexists, racists, jingoists, nationalism, americanism, globalization, GEORGE W. BUSH, partially hate john kerry , ralph nader-he has no chance in a two party system (i have a theory hes working for the bush administartion to steal votes from what would be democratic votes), jesus, flags - specifically the american flag, ppl that judge you before they know you (i know everyone does this to a point but some ppl do it at extremes), ppl who force their own belifs/values on others, the expansion of the western culture destroying other cultures (this includes the spread of christianity), and im sure theres alot more but i dont feel like listing them and im definately not even touching the whole foods section.
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