Comp Hell

Feb 20, 2007 19:40

For the past few days (like all day long!) Cul & I have both been on the phone with various Tech Support about upgrading my comp to Vista Premium.  Still nothing and on top of it nobody has an answer. Im just completely frusterated and fedup.  BAH!
(this is the long and short of it and totally boring so you can skip it:
I moved back here in December, the same day I plug my comp in and NOTHING happened...trek over to Best Buy and they tell me to get a better Video Card!  OKAY! $200ish.  Get home install it..NOTHING.  Bring the comp back...they tell me its FRIED.  I cried because I have my business online...I NEED MY COMP 24/7.  So I had to buy one right there.  Sales guy said this eMachine would be good for me. $400.   Its suppose to be Vista Compatible and Vista Basic was to be mailed to me.  Didnt receive it.  Yesterday I buy Vista Premium $230 and it needs more RAM to run, so I buy 1G $100.00.   XP would not upgrade to Vista so I had no choice but to do a complete install and lose all info on my computer.  I copied some pics, but any programs will have to be reinstalled...P.I.A.    Still it wouldnt install.  Install/Uninstall/Install/ support for hours and hours.  I bought a lower priced computer because they said it would work with Vista and I wanted to be thrifty....with all the money Ive spent on it I could have bought an all inclusive comp for less that WORKS and without all of this hassle! And what do I now have?  Not like I can return the Vista OS.     I have an empty computer thats suppose to be compatible and isnt.   Just frusterated...thats all.  Oh and pissed that I spent all that money and got nowhere.  Damn, now I feel like I just got the shaft.)

Im on Culs new computer that he bought a few days ago...ho hum.  Nice.  His came with Vista Premium already installed and its sweet.  His comp is better (and works!) for less than what Ive put into mine.  Kick me.  Hmm...this Vista doesnt support Semagic so I hope this LJ update journal works.

I know...this is payback time for all the shit Ive pirated.

All is well with us.  Ill try to be back soon.

Edit to add this today...
Soooo...another fun filled 6 hours on the phone with Microsoft & eMachines.  Microsoft really was wonderful and did all they could for me, they even made a conference call with me to eMachines because I told him about the service I got yesterday from them.  The eMachines tech was trying to just pass me off and actually told me to call IBM!  Hahah wtf?   Soooo talk to eMachines with Microsoft tech and they come to the conclusion that its my motherboard.  I have to MAIL them my computer and wont see it for a few weeks.  Yep...I guess no need to go any further how I feel about this whole experience.

Okay now Im no comp whiz and Im not exactly sure what the motherboard is....but it sounds like a major piece right?  I just bought the comp at Christmas time and already it needs a new motherboard?  I heard all kinds of not so good stuff about eMachines and the techs we've talked to in person are less than impressed with eMachines comps saying we will be buying a new one within a year.  They think of them as 'disposable computers'.    Sooo Im going to sell it on eBay once it comes back.  Why continue further with a lemon?  Ill have it repaired and then ditch it.

Ill need to sell the Windows Vista Premium on eBay too since Circuit City does not take opened software back.  Hopefully I get  most of the $230 back.   Well I wont, I just checked ebay.  Id be lucky to get anything for an opened software.  Unopened ones are selling for $100-$130

Buying a new HP by this weekend and moving on from this extended head ache of an experience.  Done.

A hanging thought in the background:
OR....if it was you...would you wait for your comp to come back repaired, install the Vista and keep it for however long it does last?
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