Had dinner with my parents, my sister, bro-in-law and niece, we watched home movies from Christmas, Sasha and Alex ran around like screaming banshees, my sister gave me presents, my parents told me how proud they are of me and I cried more than a few times, the apple-nut bundt cake my mom made was yummy, I was less sick, through-out the day I read LJ birthday wishes that made me *aweeeeee*, Cullen cleaned the place and pretty much let me do nothing all day....it was a really nice birthday and I just felt warm and very loved.
A few pics....
A big jerk-off part of me was thinking...Bundt Cake?!?!??! Why did Jesus get a whipped creme delicious birthday cake with chocolate flakes that was out of this world and I get Bundt Cake? Silver lining...Mom made it for me.
The most meaningful birthdays Ive ever had, have been since my children were born.
One thing I love is------> I..... LOVE....... MY....... ADIDAS!
My sis gave me this zip-up with matching lounge pants. <3
I was wearing it and took it off to take the pic...when I turned around and saw me in the mirror...I liked what I saw. Which really doesn't happen often because I normally dont like what I see until much time has passed.
Sis got me this too...I think its one of those things Ill like as it get old and worn.
While I was in there, I was thinking of something that
avalera had said....
When you see the person you've grown into, do you think the younger you would be happy or disappointed?
She would be very happy and proud of me for sure.
Thank you for Birthday Love......
adhesiveheart Happy Birthday to one of the most amazing people I've ever met.
I hope this year is as beautiful as you are.
jemmifireTo the one and only, amazing and beautiful and amazingly beautiful Kasia!!!!
Happy Birthday Kasia!! :) I love you pumpkin!
fairybelle<3s and cake
happy birthday kasia!
i hope its joyful.
relax and feel like a queen.
on dandelions or birthday candles... either way.
happy birthday dollface.
kisses and hugs and lots of lovin!
wish i could give those to ya in person ;)
birdiebirdie lovingher Celebrates a birthday today.
All the best babe!!!!!
I hope you're feeling well enough to
hoist a few as another year
hits the books.
jessisHappy birthday to beautiful
lovingher! Truly one of the best people in the UNIVERSE! Cul ... you better have gotten her something good or else ...
(*he tried but i wouldnt let him...savings, savings, savings!)
sarahaleney Because I'm loving her today!!!!
lovingher!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥