After a pretty slow start to 2015, and an unsatisfying Kapcon, I have the bulk of my gaming sorted out for the first six months of the year.
- Regular wargaming every month has resumed, and I’ve had a renewed interest in Bushido.
- The boys and I are about to kick off a weekly session (likely Wednesday night) of Mice & Mystics.
- I have begun a fortnightly run through of a Call of Cthulhu mini-campaign I wrote years ago. This is via Skype with a new group of players. More info to follow on this as it is probably the most interesting thing I’ve done since releasing Monophobia.
- I have a second ‘beta’ run through of the same game planned with my friends in Auckland (also via Skype).
- Finally I have my irregular (hopefully to become regular) D&D game sessions with Nick, which despite missing the final session of 2014, am very keen to get back into.
So much for my semi-retirement from gaming!