I'm still wondering if this is the best place to restart my blogging, but until I find something better...
It's been a long time since I last posted my gaming thoughts and reflects up online, so bear with me if this is all too brief.
- I recently ran a two session Hunter the Vigil game at our Friday night group (which included a new player - both to the table and RPGs in general). It went OK. The first session was good, but the second I pushed to complete the mystery. I also noted a distinct relationship between alcohol consumption and focus at the game table :P
- I've played in numerous EPOCH games. The system sees me being a fan, and I hope to run my own World War One scenario at some point this month.
- Luke ran a two-session Dungeon World game, which was really good. I know he's commented on it, and I look forward to more in the future.
- I'm working with the guys over at Evil Hat as an Alpha playtester for their new Bubblegumshoe RPG. It is essentially GUMSHOE (as per Trail of Cthulhu, The Esoterrorists, etc.) meets Veronica Mars (or in my case the movie Brick). I'm looking to jack up some sessions in late May and early June.
I'm sure there's lots of other gaming, RPG, Boardgame and Wargaming, that I've thought about and done, but that will do for now.