grandexperiment started the topic, I thought I'd pipe up with my plans for Christmas Gaming and on to next year.
As some of you might know our epic Warhammer Fantasy RPG campaign - The Thousand Thrones - is coming to an end shortly, and with it my year's regular gaming. I'll miss the fortnightly games, although I'm looking forward to Alderbrand going down in a pire of righteous flame in the last session!
The christmas period is likely to be quite quiet on the gaming front, although I want to finish up my draft of Reign of Discordia over the fortnight or so I have off. There is the possibility of some boardgaming, and potentially a one-off session after New Years.
Looking at next year:
- I am looking forward to the All for One campaign I am going to run (hopefully taking over the Monday slot). I have sketched out some of the basics already, and see it being a web-of-intrigue type of game (i.e. where the characters get given a bunch of seemingly disconnected leads, which, as they investigate, will reveal a grand plot).
- I need to revivalise the weekend group with something new (may something non Savage World - shock, horror!)
- I have an inkling of an idea for a Space:1889 campaign (using the Mini Six rule set), that I might offer to the Friday Night group (which is a little in flux with attendees).
- I have to get Thursday Skype gaming back up and going, especially as I feel my Rending Horror system is perfect for the format (and totally sates my needs for Cthulhu gaming).
- Finally, if I get a job in Wellington, I will look to go gaming with Nick & Nasia (as briefly raised). But what and who is a question for a latter time!
Realisitically, if I do half of these things, I'll be happy. My All for One campaign is a definite, even if it is just me and my imaginary friends.