Aug 26, 2005 01:09
have you ever had the thought becoming one more year older is not as bad as people make it out to be but you know what my 22nd birthday is coming up on saturday the 27th of aug and something is bothering my the more i think about my birthday coming up the less i want to be at the renfaire not so much so i can spend time with my friends or family but because i want to go some where do something not have to deal with stupid patrons who only look at stuff and wish that they were "rennies" when in truth they can only hope to get free cheep packy steal it just boils down to it that i want to hang with my friends and relax with my family on some level i came to the realization that i will not always get gifts but it would be nice to get something you know any how it is depressing me not that i am getting older but that when i was little this time of year was a big to do and now it is well nothing more then a day on a calender
You're Lord and Master
older huh