Jul 26, 2005 05:07
This is not a story nor a simple tale this a bad day in the simplest
way I could possible type it my day started with a phone call from Mike (my
boss on the pirate ship) telling me that john was dead and mom pirate was in
I.C.U. in a hospital in PA for as my brain reeled the information in he
continued to tell me this same statement over and over again until it really
sank in after all this occurred I called wolf to let him know what was going on
then I call Saul (another one of the pirates the first mate) he then told me
that they his been out riding (on motorcycles) to go get pizza when the brakes
seized up and they collided with a telephone pole after all this news and
knowing that I could not leave Delaware I decide to keep my self busy with
house work at my brothers house by installing new shower doors in his bath room
for him after all this done and had put all the caulk on the frame and seal the
tub I took my friend and personal assistant to fill out a job application at
the local movie theater after I dropped him back off at home I picked up Maya
and we went to go see my grandmother after we visited her still trying to keep
my self busy so I am not thinking of the days events Maya and I decided to go
to my favorite dinner and as my day had not been bad enough that morning my
diner had closed it turned out their lease had expired so instead we went to
another dinner only this one was in DE so I could not smoke in this one but we
ate and went back to my brothers house as we get in the door Maya goes into the
basement and I go to meet my brother he is caring his fire arm in his right
hand as he sees me he lowers it and as we are talking again I am on the phone
with Saul the fire arm discharges and for a few seconds I loose control over my
mind get control of my self and run down to where Maya is at the same time
telling Saul I will call him back I see Maya is bleeding my gut reaction is to
get a clean cloth and apply pressure all the while in the back round my brother
is saying to take her to the hospital we finally get some clean paper towels on
the wound I get my truck and take her to Wilmington hospital on the way I call
back Saul fill him in on what happened then call my dad to let him know what
was going on when we get to the hospital we find a security guard and he gets
her into a wheel chair the security guard tells me to park in the handicap lot
after I get into the hospital I get the run-a-round for about 2 min then I tell
them my mother works on the 4th floor and to go get her so we get to where my
mother is and when I tell her she almost collapses on the spot but pulls her
self together and we go down to where Maya is mean while Mike calls me I
explain to him what happened and then have to cut it short as I can not run and
talk and be quite all at once so we get to where Maya and a county trooper
pulls me out of the room to get some information so that he can assess the situation
he asks me to recount the events so I explain it to him then another officer at
this point all I want is a smoke for no better reason then to calm my nerves so
I go out smoke call mike back explain the situation then finally I get off the
phone with an the officer tell me no more phone calls and I am not allowed to
pick up the phone or it will be confiscated so my dad shows up and I fill him
in he get to go see Maya but I have to stay with the cop he then asks to see my
truck so I take him over and sees it is locked and asks for my keys I gave him
the keys and told him I hope I get those back or else you will be paying the
remainder of the payments and says I will then he asks for my license and takes
down that information and gives it to another officer and still they will not
let me see Maya so I get my license back and my dad shows back up and I explain
to him what happened and said he already called my brother then the office
gives me back my phone and tells me to call my brother and tell him to wait on
the porch of his house to a few county police officers will be there shortly so
mean while I am out side smoking every few minutes my mom comes out and tells
me how Maya is doing all this time I have a new cop as my baby sitter and he
was a real arrogant prick who treated me as some low life trash then the sergeant
shows up asks me what happens and I tell the story again still they will not
let me see my Maya so then the officer that has is babysitting me tells me he
is hot and that I am to get into his car so we "can sit in the air
conditioned car" so we get into the vehicle and he drives down to the
front of the hospital where we park for 10 min waiting for the detective to interrogate
me to see if my story changes as I am sitting there my mom comes out and see me
in the car and now she is pissed off and asks the officers to let me out of the
car and he says no we are just waiting for the detectives so the detectives
show up and I got over the story for now the 8th time and he has me sign a
waver allowing them to search my truck I let him search answering all his
questions finally I am free to go and I get to see Maya my mom gives me back my
cell phone and Maya is discharged we leave the hospital me with my dad on one
ear via cell and my mother on the other end talking to me in person Maya and I
get into the truck and rive to my parents house because we were told we are not
allowed to go to Alfie's house for 24 hours (Alfie is my older brother) so we
get home I call Saul to let him know what was going on and Maya went to sleep
then I updated here
Your Lord and Master
on a scale of 1 to 10,
10 being the best today was -25