Sep 04, 2009 11:54
Okay, well, I've lost 2.6 pounds today, making me a slim trim 231.5...yeah. Actually it does look like I've lost a little weight off of my gut. This is awesome since that's usually the last place I lose weight. I guess the crunches and balance games have been helping out. Here's what my routine was for today:
15 minutes on stair machine
50 crunches
15 of leg reps...oops I forgot to do the inside leg reps, I'll do some tomorrow.
10 arm reps with a 5lbs free weight
10 minutes on the treadmill (I got fed up with it when the track started slipping)
30 minutes of free step aerobics on the Wii Fit...that will kick your ass.
I'm doing pretty well, I started off at 236.8, so I've already lost almost five a half pounds. This is probably a little quicker than I would like to lose the weight, but I'm sure I'll start plateauing pretty soon, and then I'll need to start working more on strength exercises.
My legs are still rockin'.
Also, I received a rejection letter yesterday, so current application count is now 10 active..I think, I dunno, shower time.
fat positive