Things that bother me

Apr 15, 2009 14:46

--I have a huge people with customers/patrons calling me my first name at work. Especially if we haven't developed a rapport. If you're someone I've worked one on one with, that's fine, call me by my first name, you've earned that right because you've worked for it. If you're someone who comes to the desk and consistently asks demands (however "politely") that I do your work for you, you have not earned the right to call me by my first name, and I don't like it. It puts us on a different level because I can't call you by your first name. It's okay that you know my first name. But for the love of god don't USE it, especially when you want my attention and are yelling it from more than 5 feet away. Come up to the desk, say, "excuse me" and then ask me for help or tell me what you want/need. I would go to your place of work, call you by your first name in front of your coworkers and then order you around like a trained monkey. Don't do it to me. Assjob.


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