--I had a dream last night where I was trying to board a plane. I was kind of in a hurry and kept getting stuck behind slow ass men in business suits who seemed to have all the time in the world...or could at least buy a ticket on a private charter if they happened to miss their plane. The airport had a ridiculous layout and even dumber rules about having to validate your ticket at certain points (it was almost like the George Walker Bush airport). At one checkpoint you had to pay 1 Euro (which in my dream would have been $.89) to get through and all I had was American money, which they wouldn't take. So I asked where an exchange kiosk or machine was, none of the staff knew, but some kid pointed me in the right direction. As I was standing at the kiosk I had the idea that I should get some for
take_walker, at which point I was woken up by my alarm.