Nov 29, 2005 11:52
--It's one of those days where every single patron is just trying to get on my ever loving nerves, especially the ones with kids.
--First question of the day: Do you have a special section for the Newberry Award winners or are they all mixed in (Newberry is specifically for ages 8-16ish).
ANSWER: They're all mixed in.
--Oh... well is there a list somewhere?
ANSWER: Um, the internet.
Second Question of the Day: Do you know where I can find Psychology books (this is when I'm shelving and not at the desk where the handy dandy card catalog just so happens to be)
ANSWER: (after stopping what I'm doing, going all the way back to the card catalog, and giving her the number)
-Reason why this was particularly annoying: her rat nosed kid kept pulling all sorts of books and maps out of place. The mother, without even refering to the spine label would shove it back somewhere in the shelf, regardless of whether it was anywhere close to where it was supposed to go. It's not the kids I hate so much as parents who let the kids get away with that shit and then try to cover it up by "cleaning up" (misonomer in a library since you're just making a bigger mess of the stacks) after them. Fuckers.
--I'm sure there will be more annoyances throughout the day, and usually these things don't get on my nerves nearly as bad, I just don't understand _why_ people expect me to know the fucking Dewey Decimal system off the top of my head. Well, yeah sure, I have a general idea where things are, but if you're looking for something super specific I can't tell you, I'm not a god damned database, mkay. And Newberry awards? Really. They've got the big gold medals on the cover and if you know anything about literature you can pretty much guess who has and has not won an award for something. Now...if you wanna give me a list of Newberry Award winners I can, with reasonable accuracy (since I've done it before), tell you which ones we actually have and which ones we don't, but I can't tell you if they're in or not. There are lesser patrons and then there are greater patrons. The greater patrons are the ones that actually know how to use the fucking library (i.e. they know not only how to find an item, but how to reshelve it ['cause they've figured out it's the same god damned system]). I'm not as angry as I sound, I'm just really frickin' aggravated.