Apr 27, 2005 04:43
Just got home from the King Diamond/Nile show at the House of Blues in Cleveland. Behemoth did not show up because of van troubles. Other than that it was a great show.
I think it's like the 4th or 5th time I've seen Nile, but they were quite good tonight. Dallas makes a good front man I think. He was handling double vocal duties and playing those insane riffs and leads, and made it look easy.
It was my first time for King Diamond though, but I'd love to see him again. I'm not as well versed in his back catalogue though, so I didn't know too many lyrics. They played a lot of songs from Abigail 1 and 2. Only a few from his newest, and finished with Evil from his early days in Mercyful Fate. I would have loved to hear Melissa though from the album of said name.
First time at the HoB in Cleveland too. All the shows have been there instead of the Agora, which I was used too. I like the HoB better I think. They have good sound, and it's very clean compared to the Agora. Then again, the Agora is like 50+ years old or something.
OK, enough for now, I'm tired.