
Dec 15, 2005 15:17

Yesterday, whilst I was getting my Licensce duplicate as I have mysteriously lost mines... I ate in a Japanese restaurant and seeing all the sushi reminded me of the time when I had two girlfriends... supposedly.

^-^ I was in kindergarten, young as any guy can be. I had two close friends... well, actually one, but since that one had another best friend, I suddenly had two best friends. They were both females, both had those narrow eyes. ^^ One was Japanese, the other was Chinese. The Japanese girl was Yuka... I forgot the Chinese girl's name, but then, as I said earlier, she really wasn't my best friend and all... she was there when me and Yuka hanged out in class... not that she was bad company by any means. She was nice like Yuka.

So, where did that "girlfriends" come from? Well, one time, my teacher asked me who my girlfriend is, and me, being me, just put girl, and friend together, I declared prouldy that I had two girlfriends... Yuka and the other one... ^-^ the class went wild, but I think I'm probably the only one who didn't seem to get the commotion.

So, why do I remember Yuka more... well... her mother, and my mother usually visited each other, bringing me and Yuka along. We made sushis, tempuras, and even some ramen. I thought rice covered in black stuff was "icky" until Yuka shoved one in my mouth... xD I couldn't stop liking sushi anymore. It was the oddest and tastiest thing my young mouth ever tasted. Well, Yuka told me not to eat too much... and I of course didnt lsiten to her.... *sigh* ^-^ I had to go to the bathroom that day. Sushi is really heavy. I'm lucky that I can eat as much sushi as I want now, since I've grown accustomed to it.

This was all on Argentina... 1988-90. The place where I first was able to know that people can have yellow hair... have narrow eyes... taste "icky" rice covered in black stuff... and probably the one that caused a chain reaction of my change. I believe that for every country I visited, the more my mind opened to a possibility, thus shaping my character. ^-^ My life would have been different if I was just stuck here. I wouldn't even recognize myself.

I just hope that if I have a son or daughter, I can raise him or her to be open minded, to know a lot of cultures in an unbiased mind, and grow up to be... well, not like me... but better than me.

But hey... for me as a father, and Alexa as a mother... I think we'd do alright. ^_^ very alright...

^_^;; I hope.
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