Apr 03, 2030 09:16

Hi! This is Ryu. You've stumbled across my lair. It's not very fancy, but I hope you enjoy your visit!

Most important things first: The FIC LISTS!! There you will find the fics I've made. Be forewarned though that I write YAOI and even occasional SHOTA fics. There's also a heavy dose of angst and kinky pron when I'm stressed out. I guess that's all I can say about the fics. If you like them, please, comment and let me know, ne.

PoT Multichapter List )

PoT Oneshots List )
Other Fics List )

And while I generally just add back whoever add me as a friend, I check the profile first before adding. If I don't find much similarities such as mutual friends, communities, or interest between us, I would most likely not add you back. Unless, of course, you drop a comment telling me who you are and why you want to add me as your friend. If you do add me, please beware of entries of my personal life (I've made them available for friends only). I tend to rant a lot, unfortunately. It's a bad habit I'm trying to fix ^^;;

If you're not a member of LJ, unfortunately you can't comment of my entries. I've received a lot of spams lately and am honestly worried about getting viruses, so now only LJ members can leave me comments. However, I always welcome you to comment of ff.net or other sites where I post my fics.

Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu m(_ _)m
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