BotFA Talk

Dec 19, 2014 11:56

No one reads LJ anymore but I'll cut it just in case

My knee-jerk reaction was "THAT'S IT??". Because wtf those are some of the most undramatic deaths ever.

But after some time and some discussion with friends, I understand that PJ is attempting to portray realistic deaths during war-not everyone dies in a blaze of glory-and I can respect that.


Two things: First, it's a fantasy film. I never expect things to be realistic. And coupled with Legolas's gravity defying stunts, the deaths just seem ridiculous. Second, and to me this is the biggest offense, no one seems to care about the dead. Fine, I understand that they couldn't immediately mourn for the dead seeing as there are armies coming their way, but not even afterward? We have Tauriel mourning for Kili (briefly) then Thorin and Bilbo and then a quick look of the company finding Thorin and that's it (Also, I'm not a fan of Fili and even I feel terrible for him because no one remembered him). We don't get to see their individual reactions to the deaths, how it impacts the Iron Hill dwarfs, politics, etc. (And can I just say that I am most disappointed by the fact that Thorin forgot his nephew. I wish he had mentioned them during his dying speech). Worst of all, we don't see the effects of war. You can't go from trying to be realistic with undramatic deaths during war then promptly ignores the aftermath of said war. I want to see relief, mourning, frustration, healing, etc. Instead, we see Bilbo immediately (or so it seems in the film) go home. Seriously, it looks like they forgot that there had been a war at all!

IMO PJ should've chosen between dramatic deaths, realistic or otherwise, and realistic and gritty portrayal of war instead of this half-hearted attempt. It's quite unsatisfying.

Also death-related: Smaug's death within the first 5-10 minutes of the film. We spent an entire movie last year with Smaug as the big bad final boss and in this film he just dropped dead. WTF.

I really wish PJ had made the film longer, spent more time with the characters. I look forward to the EE version. I heard there's a funeral scene they cut and I need to watch it! Also, Richard Armitage is amazing as the mad king and Martin Freeman's acting when crying over Thorin just hit me right in the feels, man. Dain is awesome (and should totally get it on with Thranduil) and, man, I love Galadriel although she briefly reminded me to that girl in the Ring *shudders*. For a moment I was like, wait, who watch the cursed video in Middle Earth? They have VCR?

So, overall, not a perfect film; Return of the King remains superior. But, if you don't think about it too much, compare it with other films or reality, it's very enjoyable.
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