Okay...I couldn't help myself :P

Jan 23, 2009 21:37

demondean is being stalked on Livejournal!

writingbyebonio is stalking demondeanwritingbyebonio's REAL name :McMullen Wassonwritingbyebonio's REAL DOB :24th January 1975Height :197 cmWeight : 128.1 kgwritingbyebonio has dreamt about you : 30 times writingbyebonio became interested in you : 23rd September 2006writingbyebonio's latest dream about you writingbyebonio dreams that you are standing before them in a crowded train station, flailing your ass-naked body around the room. Just for them.This is how writingbyebonio describes your relationship behind your back 'Things are going great! it still won't kiss me though in public. it will once I stop calling her in the middle of the night.'writingbyebonio's been stealing stuff from your house too. writingbyebonio enjoys nothing more than to start the morning by taking a heroic sniff from one of demondean's stolen socks.They've even started modifying their body for you writingbyebonio had their tongue pierced just to win your approval.They sent the following message to you in a Valentines Be mine forever and I'll promise to never fart whilst you are eating your dinner.

The Police No. calls to the police : 5 timesYour Last Call to The Police "Look, I need help now. A friend of mine is on top of my roof and they're threatening to kill themselves unless I accept their marriage proposal. Fuck! I just heard a massive thud! Jesus they've done it!"writingbyebonio's Police File writingbyebonio is a right sadastic bastard and should be detained for as long as possible.

Testimonies about writingbyebonio
Shirley Elston - Stone dead tripper

'writingbyebonio was always one of us. One of the gang. We never suspected anything. I'm really shocked..'

Bunting Mactavish - The resident slapper

'Neurotic, depressing and royally fucked up are only three of the possible phrases I could use to describe both writingbyebonio and demondean. Chances are demondean's just made all of this shit up again.'

Ellington Cobb - Dry your eyes

'Surprise Surprise, writingbyebonio's a dirty fucker? Tell me something different.'

Mauro Polley - Flaccid Pornstar

'I'm gonna kill demondean for being such a snide fucker. Who does it think it is? I'd love to give her a right slap in the chops! writingbyebonio is a brilliant person.'

ebonio, fun, random

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