You're broken, so am I (2/?) NC-17

May 22, 2009 00:15

Title: You're broken, so am I 2/?
Pairing: Demon!Dean/Sam, Demon!Dean/Alistair

Raiting: NC-17
Warnings: AU, post apocalypse fic, dark themes, Sam is 16, Dean is 20, stripper!sam, demon!dean, mentions of previous torture and abuse, dubious!con (Dean/Alistair), bottom!dean, rimming
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, I just took them out to play.
Word Count: 3746
Summary: This is an AU in which the apocalypse has already happened and brothers Winchesters have been separated during it, 16 years later they meet up again, not knowing they are brothers. Dean has been turned into a demon and Sam is working as a stripper at a gay club.
Background: The apocalypse went down and the world changed when half of the Erath's population was killed and Demons lead by Lucifer took the power on Earth into their own hands. The heavenly forces where forced to make peace with them and the humans who survived the war started to rebuilt the society, this time with Demons at the top of the foodchain.
Author's Note: X-posted to archive and in various LJ coms. Title borrowed from Disturbed's song "Haunted". Dedicated to my lovely hydraheiress (Hope this one isn't too dark for you hon.) Betad and saved by sulfuricfusion -- she saved my anti-grammar ass and helped me a lot. Love you so much for the patience and good ideas bb!
So I did went ahead and write some Dean/Alistair porn. Hope you'll still stick with me on this crazy ride. :)

 Chapter I can be found here.

 Chapter III here

You're broken, so am I

Chapter II

“Your eyes,” Sam whispered, taking a step towards Dean and collecting Dean’s head in his hands. His strong, gentle fingers caressed Dean’s cheekbones and he was looking into his eyes like he was lost in the dark depths of them.

Dean looked back at him with confusion. Why wasn’t Sam scared of him? Maybe he needed to draw it out to him?

“Sam, do you understand what this means?” He asked, staring into the younger guy’s hazel eyes. “It means I’m a demon, Sammy. It means I’m dangerous to you. It means you should be scared of me.”

Sam seemed a bit thoughtful for a moment, mumbling to himself: “Demon… Dean. Demon Dean.” He seemed to come to some conclusion as he slipped his thumbs to those very sensitive spots behind Dean’s ears and said, “I’ve heard of you. They say you’re one of the best torturers Lucifer’s got. They say that he and Alistair raised you to hold that position.”

Dean put on one of his cockiest smirks, “I dunno about the “best” part but yeah - rest of it’s true.”

Sam licked his lips and swallowed, still looking Dean in the eyes, before shrugging his shoulder and shyly smiling, “You seem nice.”

Dean snorted, roughly pushing Sam against the wall and crowding closer to him. “Yeah, that’s the problem - come to me believing I’m nice and harmless and before you know it I’ll have you tied up and begging on the bed. You see - you want nice and normal but all I can give you is fucked-up and rough.”

Sam grinned at him. “That’s not true; I don’t think you even realize how much you have to give. But don’t think I have anything against rough sex.”

Dean raised an eyebrow, hauling Sam to the bed and pushing him down onto it. He crawled on top of him, enjoying the feeling of the powerful body under him. But what bothered him was that Sam wasn’t trying to fight him. No, the kid was still lying still, looking rather smug as he asked, “You done?”

Dean looked down at him with surprise. He couldn’t believe what a smart-ass the kid was being! He should probably smack that arrogance straight out of him…But then again - what good would it do to beat up a poor kid who was only sixteen, with no home or parents, and only a shitty job in a strip-joint?

Sam used Dean’s moment of confusion to his advantage as he quickly swapped their places so he was now the one straddling Dean and pinning his hands above his head.

Dean took one deep breath, trying to calm himself down. Well this was something… new. And though a part of him was feeling like his pride was hurt, a bigger part of him enjoyed this - it was something new and exiting. And he just loved exiting, but there was still something nagging at him…

“How did you do that?” He questioned Sam as he wiggled a bit to see if there was any chance of getting free easily. No, no way. The kid was quite heavy and he sure as hell knew how to hold somebody down effectively.

Sam smiled, looking mischievous and sincere at the same time. “My dad taught me a few tricks.”

Dean pursed his lips. “That so? And why would you need them?”

Sam sighed, lowering his head a notch, not looking Dean in the eye, while explaining, “For protection against evil beings - witches, ghosts, demons -- whatever is harming innocent people. He was a hunter”

Dean felt confused. Well this was… surprising. He knew there were still some haunters left after the Day of Reckoning, but Sam being the son of one of them... if his dad had taught him all this stuff it meant he was at least a trained hunter too…

“You consider me a threat?” Dean slowly asked, not sure he really wanted to hear the answer.

Maybe Sam has just trapped me to slaughter me and I’ve been stupid enough to fall for his act of innocence. God - I’m such an idiot, Dean thought to himself.

Sam shook his head at the same time.

“No. You’re different.  There’s something… something between us, you know, like it’s connecting us… I think you can feel it too,” he explained, looking a bit unsure after his last words, and sent Dean a searching look. He nervously chewed on his bottom lip and closed his eyes for a second before continuing: “I don’t think I should kill you just because you’re a demon. I - I never wanted to be a hunter - that was a life dad pushed on me. I never wanted to be like him. I understand he had every right to be upset after my mom died and my brother was kidnapped, but I didn’t always agree with his methods. I mean - when I look at you...”

Sam took a deep breath, his gaze again meeting with Dean’s. “I know you are a demon, a torturer none the less, but you were also being kind to me and I know that you were a human once. Maybe it’s not even your fault those bastards turned you into a demon. You know - I never found out what happened to my brother. Maybe he was brainwashed the same way you were and he’s working for them too. I don’t know. What I do know is that there’re still human parts left in you and I know you’re scared and broken inside…” His voice was quivering as he finished: “…but so am I.”

Dean’s eyes took back the green tone as he blinked a few times and stared at Sam with surprise. The kid looked like he was about to cry as he rose up, releasing Dean from his hold, and whispered under his breath, “Just get the hell out of here.”

“Sammy,” Dean started, not really sure what to say, but Sam just looked so goddamn upset and lost that he wanted to help him somehow.

“Now,” Sam responded with a tight set to his jaw and added: “And the name is Sam.”

“I… I’m sorry.” Dean whispered as he rushed out the door, through the backroom and bar, not stopping until he was standing on the dark stairs that took him up to the street.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Get a fucking grip on yourself!” He silently chided himself as he leaned his back against the wall and tried to calm down. His whole body was still shaking and he hadn’t felt so out of control for years. And… He felt guilty.

Dean moaned as he realized that, yes - he felt really bad for provoking some memories in Sam that had such a dramatic effect on him, and he felt guilty for playing with him while Sam had obviously tried to be sincere to him.

But the stuff he had said, about Dean being broken and scared. That wasn’t rue! Dean knew it. He had been strong enough to survive the training and he sure as hell wasn’t scared of anything.

Dean shook his head. No - Sam had been wrong and Dean was wrong to be so concerned about all this. He let out a long breath as he made his way back out the door and to the group of bodyguards already waiting for him.


He was carrying Sam out of a burning building. Home, as he recalled. Only it wasn’t Sam - it was a baby in his hands. His brother. Their dad had told him to look after him, after Sammy, and to make sure he was safe, always safe. But Dean knew there was something bad coming, some threat, so he made a run towards the Impala. When he finally managed to open the back door, he laid Sammy on the backseat and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead.

“I love you Sammy,” he whispered with a rush as he pulled away from the tiny boy, raising his hands from him and shut the door. He prayed that Sam would be quiet. God, if he would just be quiet then they would never find him.

It took only a few seconds before a voice behind him spoke, “Well, well well. And what do we have here? A young Winchester?”

Dean slowly turned around and saw the young dark haired woman standing next to him. He surely knew there was no escape as he stared back into the pitch black eyes evaluating him, but at least Sammy was safe and that was all that mattered to him at that moment.

Dean woke up from his nightmare hyperventilating and covered with sweat.

God - he had seen the same dream so many times over and over again but never before had Sam played any part in it.

Dean grabbed hold of his pillow as he slowly lowered himself back to a more comfortable position and tried to steady his breathing.

Why do those dreams feel so real? Like they weren’t dreams at all, more like some old memories.

“Nightmares again, huh?” Dean wasn’t even surprised when he heard Alistair’s smooth, almost purring voice next to his bed. He knew the other demon liked to watch him sleep.

“It just my brain fucking with me,” Dean said and blinked in an attempt to adjust his eyes to the darkness. He could finally make out the shape of a man sitting next to him in the light of the few moonbeams that had stubbornly pierced through the thick curtains.

“That’s all?” Alistair asked, and Dean saw and heard him rise.

“Yes,” Dean answered, and watched as Alistair walked around the bed and crawled onto it on the other side.

“So, how was the strip?” Alistair lightly asked, seemingly leaving Dean’s dreams be, running a hand over Dean’s bare back.

Dean felt a slight shiver run through his system; touches from Alistair always made him feel both good and violated at the same time. His emotions towards the older man were just too mixed up - he knew Alistair had taken care of him for all of his life, but he also knew how dangerous and cruel the other demon could be if he wanted to.

“The strip was ok,” Dean answered the question and bit down on his bottom lip to relax himself into Alistair’s touches. This was no training, he had been behaving well for the last few years and he rationally knew there was no reason for the other demon to hurt him, but part of him still remembered how he had begged and sobbed with Alistair when he had been hung on the St. Andrew’s cross as punishment and used by the other demon for teaching torture techniques by demonstration.

Alistar’s hot breath was now against his ear as he whispered, “You seem to be a bit stressed there, Dean. You think there’s anything we could do about that?”

Dean only nodded in response. He knew there was no point in fighting. Father had given Alistair the right to use him and he knew the demon would take what was his, even if Dean fought to deny it to him.

Alistair’s hand was now playing with one of his perky nipples, sending little jolts of pleasure through Dean’s system. Alistair knew every inch of Dean’s body. He knew how he worked and he sure as hell knew how to get him hard quickly.

“Yeah - that’s better, isn’t it?” The older demon purred in Dean’s ear as his hand snaked lower over Dean’s abs, taking his half-hard cock into his hand. Dean swallowed as he felt the long, slow strokes, Alistair putting in that little flick of his wrist and rubbing his thumb over his slit.

Dean groaned and thrust into the touch, letting his body fall into the easy rhythm. He could feel Alistair’s bulging erection against his ass every time he pushed back.

“How do you want me to fuck you?” The soft whisper against his neck contrasted with the scratch of beard and the nibbles that were surely leaving teeth marks.

Dean turned around, meeting Alistair for a rough, long kiss.

Alistair might have known Dean, but Dean also knew Alistair, and he knew the worst thing to do when at his mercy was to show your fear or weakness. And after all - was there even anything bad about getting fucked when he could to this on his own conditions?

“On all fours,” Dean breathed into Alistair’s mouth, grinding their bodies together. He knew Alistair could give him the best fuck if he wanted; maybe it would finally help take his mind off that Sammy kid. He really, really needed to let it go and stop fucking dreaming about that mop of chestnut hair, that long lean body and… No.

Alistair smiled: “The dog it is then. Get yourself into the position.”

Dean quickly obeyed, propping himself on his hands and knees, exposing his ass to Alistair. He felt vulnerable and excited at the same time as he waited in the darkness for Alistair’s next move. He heard the other man’s heavy breathing as he slipped his hands over Dean’s ass, feeling it and making an approving sound.

“Now I just have to prep you, so you’ll be all slick and open when I slam my dick up that tight little ass of yours,Alistair commented in what seemed like a combination of a moan and a hiss.

“God yes,” Dean moaned, his body finally starting to warm up and his thinking reducing to only primal needs.

“Open,” Alistair ordered and he pushed three of his fingers into Dean’s mouth while the index finger of his other hand put some teasing pressure on the rim of Dean’s puckering hole.

Dean eagerly sucked on the digits, taking his time to play with each and every one, knowing very well how this kind of teasing made Alistair painfully hard. When he had finally slicked them enough, the other demon pulled them from his mouth with a soft pop, and Dean only had enough time to take a deep breath before two of the slicked fingers where pushing against his entrance.

“Spread your cheeks for me,” Alistair ordered as he pushed two of his fingers in, ignoring the slight twitch of Dean’s body.

Dean was having a hard time getting used to the stretch and it fucking hurt. But he had been trained to take the pain and he knew it would get better once his muscles stretched. So he tried to relax his body and breathing and reached back to hold his asscheeks apart, giving Alistair better access.

“God, you’re such a horny kid Dean. Always wanting more. Always taking everything I can give you,” Alistair spoke, a mixture of lust and amusement and something else tingeing his voice as his fingers started to rhythmically push in and out of Dean’s body, snaking their way deeper with each thrust.

Dean spread his legs even wider, as the pleasure from the fingering was finally beginning to hit. It was fucking superb, to be precise, when Alistair curled his fingers inside him, rubbing them against his prostate and making Dean moan long and low with pleasure.

“Yeah - that’s it,” Alistair crooned to him before pulling his fingers completely out.

Dean felt empty with the sudden loss but the older demon was already running his hand up and down his crack, taking extra time to cradle his balls before he leaned down and started to lick Dean’s hole; tongue pushing inside Dean and slowly working him open.

Dean was having hard trouble staying still while Alistair was torturously slowly fucking him open and fucking humming against his over-sensitive hole.

“Please, fuck. Alistair - just freakin’ do it already, wouldn’t you?”

Alistair finally raised his head to ask: “Oh - and what do you want me to do, Deano?”

Dean let out a frustrated growl and explained under his breath, through clenched teeth, “I want you to take that big cock of yours and shove it up my ass.”

“Your wish is my command,” Alistair mocked, but added, “I just need to make sure you’re ready for it.”

Alistair spat onto Dean’s hole and jabbed three of his fingers in all at once, pushing them in until the last knuckle. Dean grunted with discomfort, but he was stretched enough to take it.

Alistair pulled his fingers out again, resting them against the rim of Dean’s hole and enjoying the way it lightly twitched with need.

Then the fingers were gone as Dean heard the sounds of a pack of lube being torn and Alistair slicking himself.

“I’m gonna fuck you so good Deano,” Alistair promised in a purr as he positioned himself behind Dean and pushed into his body.

Dean tried to stay as still and relaxed as he could while he felt the huge cock pushing inside him, stretching him even further, but with the prep and lube there was only a slight burn which quickly resided when Alistair was finally nested balls deep inside him and gave him a moment to adjust to the situation.

One of his hands was gripping Dean’s narrow hips with enough force to bruise while the other was wrapped around his cock.

“I’m good,” Dean finally whispered after a moment and thrust his hips back to confirm it.

Dean could feel every inch of Alistair inside of him and he felt completely fucking full, but it was an amazing feeling, and his own member was beginning to fully harden in Alistair’s hand. The older demon gave Dean no warning before he pulled almost completely out and slammed back in, repeating his actions until he finally found the right angle that gave him the chance to pound against Dean’s prostate which each of his thrusts.

Dean was breathing hard, each thrust against his prostate feeling so fucking good. His balls were tightening and his cock was leaking pre-come and he was so close to coming with only a few more thrusts…

And Alistair stopped, pressing Dean’s body flat against his, putting pressure onto the base of Dean’s cock to stop him from coming.

“Alistair… Fuck. You bastard,” Dean slurred out, a part of his brain and body still on the verge of orgasm.

“I wanna know what your dream was about.”

Dean groaned and let his head fall back against Alistair’s shoulder. Should have known the other demon wouldn’t let it go so easy. He was the equivalent of a black belt in interrogation.

Dean knew he had to speak. Had to, ‘cause if he didn’t, he sure as hell wasn’t getting any completion tonight, or if he pissed Alistair off enough he might even get seriously hurt. Sure, he would at least try to fight, but Alistair was pressed close to him from the behind, throbbing cock still deep inside Dean’s body, so the older demon had pretty much all the advantages.

“It was the same one I’ve seen before - about the fire and a baby.”

“Was there anything else?”

No. Dean decided. There was no way he was telling Alistair about Sam. He would rather risk getting punished than put Sam in danger.

“No. That’s it.”

Alistair let out an exasperated sigh, saying in his best patronizing, teacher voice, “Dean, we’ve talked about this before. It’s just a random nightmare and you need to stop over-thinking about it or it’ll never leave you alone.”

“I know, but it feels so real…” Dean tried to defend himself.

“You know you were in a very bad place before we got you,” Alistair whispered against his ear, starting to jack him off again. “You know they would have trained you to be a cold blooded killer with all of that faith in God crap,” he continued as he reembarked upon his unheavenly quest to thoroughly fuck Dean’s body again.

Dean let out a strangled moan and nodded. “I know. I’m sorry.”

“Good boy, now come for me,” Alistair ordered him and Dean instantly came with a low moan, splattering come all over his abs and Alistair’s hand.

God, the release felt good. His was body throbbing with the aftershocks and his vision was blurring out. Alistair came right after him, moaning as he pumped into Dean’s body and released the last of his seed.

“I love that you’re such a slut for my cock, Dean,” the demon whispered into Dean’s ear before pulling his limp cock out and cleaning himself up with one of Dean’s bed sheets.

“Sweet dreams,” Alistair threw over his shoulder as he left the room, leaving Dean to lie alone on the bed.

Dean’s muscles felt sore and he felt dirty with Alistair’s come slowly oozing out of his ass, dripping down his thighs.

I need a fucking shower, he finally decided, getting up from the bed and stumbling towards the bathroom.

He stopped when he finally reached the right door and turned on the light inside. He was facing the big mirror on the wall. Looking back at him from there was a young man who looked a bit tired and scared with his hair mussed and his abs still covered with drying come. But what caught his attention the most were the black demon eyes staring back at him.

“No,” Dean whispered, turning his view away. He wasn’t completely demon; part of him was still human. He knew it.

When he looked back, he was met by two sad looking green eyes.

“I have to see him again,” Dean whispered, finally making up his mind.


Chapter III here

sin, au, supernatural, you're broken so am i, demon!dean, slashing dean, hydra, sam, fanfiction, slash, ybsai, series

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