May 14, 2009 07:18
i look back and see that it hasn't really been any different...
always there has been the conflict from somewhere
a hurdle to overcome but with no change being accomplished
the madness of mortals curdles my blood
they look, but they don' t see
therefore it all stays the same
for those who do see, everything changes
all they thought was real
stripped bare and left exposed
as fraud.
but then how am i to know what's real?
i have no faith that man will do whats right
man only does what makes him feel less guilty
not what brings him happiness.
Happiness is a responsibility to oneself
man gives away his happiness all the time
he doesn't think he needs it
oh, but he needs that job that leaves him half dead everyday
and that car that mugs him in broad daylight for repairs
because it knows he needs it
shackled society saviors slavery
not caring if it has bound us all
Well, i do care.
i brought my sharp wit to severe the binds
and my army to pillage first, then burn!
come and get me
i'll stand here and fight
till i'm covered in mud,
covered in blood
standing in the rain
washing the conformity off me