I am thankful that I was born with a vagina

Nov 21, 2007 22:33

That wasn't a male-bashing thing, by the way. I got bored about an hour or so ago and started looking at articles on old movies I watched when I was little. From there, I somehow found myself reading various articles on vaginal agenesis (the connection between the two has yet to be discovered). So I found one more thing on my list of things to be thankful for this year. Because it would suck so goddamn bad to have to use dilators to make myself a vagina. I just read this heading:

When should I start to create a vagina?

Very soon. Sometime before you're born would be nice. If that fails, remember, we have other options available to you.

*shudder* Thank god that my fetal development went smoothly (though people who have talked to me for more than .5 seconds would argue otherwise). Even if my mental development has been somewhat corrupted, that probably all happened after my brief stint as a fetus had ended (it was good while it lasted).


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