Feb 21, 2007 15:16
God hates me, therefore he put me in the D block geometry class with Mrs. Stewart. If she moves me one more time, I am just going to get up and walk to Mr. Rand's office and go, "Yeah, I got in trouble. And what the fuck do you plan to do about it?"
I am moving back to my original seat again tomorrow. If I get moved, I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE NOTES AND WILL NOT GIVE TWO SHITS IF I FAIL THE RADICALS QUIZ. IT WAS NOT COVERED IN THE TEXTBOOK, THEREFORE IT IS IRRELEVANT TO ME AND UNNECESSARY TO TEACH ME ABOUT IT. And God help me if she starts complaining to Spencer about my behavior again. Now he wants to spend what little time we get together going over radicals and bitching me out because I haven't turned in any homework for over a week.
Sophomore year sucks. English class sucks. Geometry sucks. Nobody is going to be able to say that they aren't, explain their reasoning, and suddenly make me an enlightened human being.
By the way, it seems to me that if Speech and Debate doesn't matter enough to Mr. Minsker to hold weekly meetings, then he shouldn't be able to hold one the day before a tournament. Which is what he is doing. Again. And Spencer is blowing me off to go to the tournament. If he follows through, I will skip my cousin's baptism [not that my aunt and uncle bothered appearing at my little sister's baptism] and they can all go fuck themselves. And Spencer better not ever walk away from me again when I'm in the middle of talking to him just because Minsker is trying to hustle him into the N portable. Is not pleasing to me, is not polite.
Christfuck. Today has just sucked.