OK, so I went and friended Celta on here 'cause I consider him to be a friend and all that jive; whether or not he returns the favor, who knows? In any case, thanks to his entry with the quiz of were-ness and all that, I ended up doing a couple of quizzes, once more, to fill some time and determine a couple of things; both results, while not disappointing, were certainly not fully expected, with the latter one being very irritating, but only in that it would seem to indicate that certain people are right about me, although I am still, very much unwilling to admit to such predilections; and so, without too much more further adieu, I give you the quizzes of the day, concerning myself; the first is what were-animal I would be if I "were" one, hee hee, and the second one strictly being whether or not I am a Furry; if you, perchance, don't know what any of this means, I would suggest keeping it that way, for now. Thank you.
Your result for Which Were Animal Would You Be? Test...
You are a Were-Fox!
80% fox, 50% wolf, 10% horse, 60% tiger, 20% leopard, 20% rat and 30% bear!
A fox is a predator, yet they can also be scavengers and foragers.
As a werefox you will be agile and athletic. You will take your prey by surprise. You won't be only dieting on raw flesh, but will eat a variety of foods including fruits and berriers. Therefore, your new persona will be easy to hide from humans.
You will be mostly nocturnal. If someone does manage to track you your cleverness and cunning will make it a very difficult task for them. You will easily confuse those persuing you, because you will be very unpredictable.
You will have one mate, and a lucky mate indeed. Foxes are monogamous creatures.
Take Which Were Animal Would You Be? Test at
HelloQuizzy Your result for Are you a Furry Test!...
Your a Furry!!!
you scored so much furry that im already ordering your fursuit!
Your result for Are you a Furry Test!...
Your a Furry!!!
Take Are you a Furry Test! at
OK, that's all I got; hope that it pasted like it was supposed to so that you all can get the full effect of it; oh, and you might think that Columbia is all sugar and Grandmas, but eventually you just end up with tooth decay and the knowledge of bedpans, catheters, and potty chairs. Trust me, it's a fine place and all that, but living here is sometimes hell. Later to all for now.