Apr 04, 2010 09:48
The tribbles are loose, now you know shit has hit the fan.
I finished the month at: 19, 860 words.
So, fail for this month. But I'm keeping at it..sort of.
I kinda sorta got a boyfriend and fell maddly in love and now my brain can't think coherantly with on huge exception. I now write love poetry non stop. It's crazy how expresive I've gotten. Anyway.
Not giving up on the novel, but I'm just working at a slower pace.
Do not hesitate to report someone for suspicious behavior. We are living under the threat of an alien attack, and we will not let history repeat itself because of an error in judgment, or a slip in sympathy. It’s time to face the future.
-Public Service Announcement, 2053
real life: why did i want to write