Hi livejournal, it is like an old blanket..

Nov 18, 2009 09:09

warm and comforting. I forgot you were here for a while, but don't worry I am back. Back and forth between you and my facebook.

Today is November 18th and today my daughter turned 18. I feel so lucky and proud to have a really great daughter who is funny, smart, pretty and above all else strong in her convictions as well as, determined.

For her birthday I got her what she wanted the most, I flew her boyfriend in from New Zealand for 14 days and they have been staying up at his house in Ramona with his family since he arrived.

Tonight we pack in the family at The Spaghetti Factory for some great, funny stories and work on embarrassing her in front of Moikee (mike). Hey is what we do here in the family, you know we love you when we bust your chops!

So much has happened in the 18 years of her life and I feel like she has come above everything as a stronger person. She has gone through her birth, moving every 3-4 years, a divorce of her parents, two marriages, a broken and abusive step mother(family), a horrendous 6 year custody battle and graduating high school. She is a best friend to me, a shopping buddy, the girl who makes me laugh, she is my first born and she is not broken.

I look at her and realize I just might be a pretty ok mom sometimes and that I whatever I have done wrong with her and to her, she turned out to be amazing. So maybe I did something right, too.

When I look back and remember the 72 hours of labor to bring her into the world, not seeing her for almost 5 years and now having her smile and laugh when she walks into the house, it makes me glad I held her and named her chelsea.

Like the town in England she is named after she is beautiful and tough but above all else now she has always been my daughter and now she is an adult.

I love her!
happy birthday girl!
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