Mar 14, 2013 08:34
Positive: Dad went through surgery super quickly. They decided not to crack his chest. Woo! They took out part of whatever the mass was, but not all of it. Most importantly, the part they took out was the part that was resting on his heart. The other part is sitting on a nerve that makes his voice work (insert medical term here). I don't want my dad to lose his voice, but I much prefer him being alive. Because they didn't crack his chest, the surgery was only 2 hours, rather than 12. His stay in the hospital will probably only be another day or two, rather than another week. I talked to him on the phone near the end of the day after his surgery. I didn't expect that at all. My brother called and handed him the phone. I thought he was handing me off to his son because it was my nephew's birthday. I was very surprised when I heard my daddy's voice. It was only for a minute, as he's on morphine and sleepy, but after I got off the phone I was very sniffly. It really felt like he was ok, and I heard his voice, so it's not lost yet. While I'm lazy and I don't want to drive 3.5 hours tomorrow, I'm really excited to see him.
Negative: I'm staying with my bff Kelly this weekend. While I'm actually really happy, because I get to see her, I'm really irritated because this is yet another time where I've had to not stay at home because of my sister. I completely understand that she's stressed and just got back from a trip, and she has to take care of dad, and she didn't arrange for someone to take care of the turtle so the house smells...etc, it's annoying that I can't go home. This time around I've also agreed to take the fall, because I know how upset my parents will be that, yet again, I won't be staying at home with them. On the other hand, I don't have to be near my crazy-ass sister.
Another negative: I told her about going to the ER and being sick. I did that because I'm supposed to share with my sister. What I didn't want to deal with, and was somewhat unexpected, was her diatribe about all of the things I should be doing to fix my health - try homeopathy, let my brother-in-law diagnose me because he's an immunologist, take supplements a,b,c,d,e,g,oil,probitics, vitamins, accupuncture, chiropracter...etc. Seriously, she gave me a list of all sorts of things I need to do to fix my poor immune system. Great, lovely, STFU. It's taken her 30 years to figure out that no, I'm not a hypochondriac. Also, I have no interest in the above. I do take a multi-vitamin, but I hate needles with a passion - like anxiety attack style -and all of the above costs $$. I can't afford that shit. I also don't think it would've helped me avoid an intestinal virus. That's not really a "Vitamin C will fix it" type of thing. Ugh. It irritates me that because she's with a doctor it means that she can fix me. He's also unable to practice here because he's in Cuba. What the hell is he going to use to diagnose me? It's not like he can run any tests of any kind.
MOSTF'EDUPIRRITATINGWANTTOPUNCHHERINTHEFACE: My sister, yet again, is trying to convince me to never have kids. She thinks that the kid will be messed up, and that I'll have too many complications to do it safely - you know, because of the above. Therefore, I should avoid procreating all together, and if I want to have a family I should use a surrogate, or maybe just adopt. It was annoying when she fake-joked about it (worse than when she tried to convince me not to marry Nick). Now it's downright anger-inducing. I made her change the subject, but this is one good reason I don't want to see her this weekend. I know what the risks are, and what to look for, and how to be healthier during pregnancy. I have a freakin' doctor - who used to be an OB actually - and we've had these discussions before Nick and I discussed seriously attempting to have a baby. Shockingly, I'm more interested in my doctor's opinion than my not-doctor sister. I have no problems with adoption - I'm adopted and not a hypocrite - but that doesn't mean I don't want to have my own baby - probably because I'm adopted, haha - but she needs to BTFO. I'm going to hate having that fight with her. ::sigh::