Jun 01, 2008 20:55
Yesterday we had Maggie, Jen and Eric over. Jen and I had briefly mentioned movies and tacos in a Gchat and when I said something to Nick, I HAD to make tacos. Even if no one was joining us. So I made tacos, rice and guacamole. mmmm mmmm good. There was some video games and then Love Actually. It was a good night. I had leftover tacos for dinner tonight. rock on.
Today was an amazing day. It started off in hell though. I woke up early in excrutiating pain in my back, yet again unable to really breathe. So I tossed and turned got up, went back to bed, got up again, took deep breaths...etc and sat on the couch. I eventually dozed on the couch until Nick got up, right after Degrassi. So around 11:30ish I guess. And he suggested that we go eat some lunch and go to Heritage Hill. I had never been, and we've been saying we were going to go for a very long time. I wasn't sure if I wanted to at first because I was exhausted but I also figured I wasn't about to get any extra sleep and walking around might help anyway. We went to the bank, hit McDs and went to Heritage Hill for a couple hours. We got the member+guest pass for $30. I'm psyched. We're planning on going there a lot not that we have a member pass - admission is free!. We stopped at the building, most didn't have people there yet because it's early in the season yet - and saw a few volunteers. It was really a gorgeous day and pretty perfect for just walking around. We also briefly discussed having our wedding there! Walking around was really awesome. We only ended up being there for about 2 hours. Nick got this spiffy pot from the gift shop and we also got some nummy candies.
On the way home I wanted to stop at the bookstore and Nick completely indulged me by turning around and taking me to B&N. I got some books that are in a series I just started and didn't want to read anything new when I knew there were two more books at the store. He got some magazines for his trip next weekend too. We then stopped at Austin's, at which point my dad called. My sister wanted to badger me about what I wanted to keep from my room in OP. Basically I told her I wanted to keep eerything and she got me to say I would come to Shebgoyan tomorrow night to pick it all up. Girl is CRAZY but it's all good. There can't be that much stuff anyway.
We came home and dinner was kinda "fend for yourselves." Nick ate beef jerky and pickles for dinner. SPAZ. While I had leftovers and watched some crap TV for awhile. I got a craving. For ice cream. mmmmmm. So Nick indulged me YET AGAIN! (score more points for boyfriend) and we went to Zesty's for a treat. He had "real" dinner in the form of a hot dog and soda while I had a small strawberry sundae. It was awesome. We just got back and can hardly believe it's only 9PM. I'm going to go read for a bit and cater to my sore blistered foot. I'm dumb, walking in HH with sandals. hehe.
All in all, Sunday was an amazing wonderful day and Nick is an amazing wonderful boyfriend. Today I'm super glad that I'm going to marry him.....as soon as I get a ring. ;-)