Feb 06, 2011 22:20
Day 2 from the 30 days meme :)
Day 02 - The meaning behind your LiveJournal name. : (Demie Duerre = ) Demona Duerre. It was the name one of my characters in a fanfiction. This girl was like me. Demona is from Desdemona which means ill-starred. So positive, isn't it?
I love this name, and I love my real name Ildikó, too (meaning: fighting woman - Ildikó was the wife of Attila the hun, and she killed Attila, because he killed Ildikó's father... nice name.. isn't it ? xD :) ) but if I have to choose an other name, it would be Demona. And from this story I publicate most of my novels and poems under this nickname :) So of course I chose this name on LJ. :) :) That's the big story of my name :) :)
Good night ^^ Tomorrow I'll come with the Day 3 :)
Peace&Love <3
30 days meme,