Friday pie was gammon and cider with a suet crust, briefly toasted under the grill. I thought I knew better than the recipe and used smoked gammon rather than unsmoked, which was perhaps too strong a flavour. The cider stood up to it, but some of the other flavours were overpowered. I didn't blog it, but the Friday pie before that was lemon and oregano chicken.
1 and a half ripened globe chillis, many green ones.
Too many ripened tomatoes: the prospect of enough unripe ones to make chutney is vanishing by the day. Still, they do taste very good.
Some young mizuna. All my other plants at the moment are either dead or look like identical seedlings.
Top picture is my first attempt at a corded seam as a test for my latest corset, the bottom picture shows the same with the skirt I bought which I am trying to complement. Unfortunately the pictures are worse than I thought they would be, but the skirt is black/grey and cream printed silk. The corset material is matt grey with cream satin bias binding and satin cording. The cording didn't work quite as well as I hoped: my zipper foot isn't getting as close to the cording as I'd like, and the stitching pokes out of the seam and the cording sits out. The overall effect is good enough at a distance, but I'll have a go at a piped seam as well and see if that is an improvement. I'd welcome suggestions as I'm still not settled on a design yet: I'd like the corset to be relatively simple and not too dressy because the skirt is so strongly patterned. I was thinking of simply having contrasting piping at each seam, bias binding and laces, but that may be so simple as to be uninteresting.
These are photos of the first mock-up: need to add about an inch vertically to the middle all the way round, take some material out of the bust and possibly have the top front go straight across. I need to order additional corsetry materials before I can go much further, such as a busk, boning and grosgrain ribbon.