The Second Amendment Should Be Revoked, as well

Dec 04, 2008 19:25

OK, this story has pissed me off:

Gun Idiocy

First of all, who brings an 8 year old KID to a gun show? "Sure, honey, let's let our 8 YEAR OLD play with guns, because by golly, that's a lot safer than going to a movie or walking around the park!" Man, your parenting license should be revoked. Oh, and the kid apparently has had experience with other guns, just not automatic ones. Hrm. What's wrong with that, I wonder? I'm sorry, I don't think an 8 year old kid should be familiar with any sort of gun. Man, these parents are racking up the points.

Second of all, I sure would hope a cop, no, not even a cop, the fucking Chief of Police, who was sponsoring the gun show, would know that A. Kids and guns don't mix, and B. A fucking automatic weapon is not safe to have at a gun show. But, no. Cops are losing points too. Cops sure are looking out for your safety, and the safety of your children too!

Lastly, the two people who were supposed to be supervising the kid at this event will not even be charged for any crime. That's right. The father, who brought the kid to this event and was getting out his camera while his kid shot himself in the face and the 15 year old ( 15 years old!) who was the supervisor and was watching the 8 year old will not be charged at all. How is it that the two people who were really the only two people responsible for this accident are not being charged at all? I understand why the cop is being charged and the two men who were manning the Uzi booth, but, why not charge the father? They say it's because he is a "layman."

I'm sorry, that's the worst excuse I've ever heard. It's basically saying "Yeah, being a crappy parent and taking your kid to a gun show is ok, because you didn't KNOW that shooting an AUTOMATIC weapon was dangerous! You never went to gun school 101, even though you insist on teaching your kid how to use a gun for hunting and killing animals. Yay!"

Anyone who knows me knows that I oppose the Second Amendment with all my being. It's an outdated amendment that at the time the Constitution was drafted made sense. Now, however, it's more of a bullshit excuse to wave a gun around. I don't like guns. I don't think I'll ever use one. And this story here disgusts me. It proves exactly why guns should not be allowed for anyone to use. Not even cops, apparently, because they don't know what the hell they're doing with their guns half the time.

rants, stupid people, wtf, farking assholes

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