
Apr 21, 2007 12:01

There's a certain time at night when the moon appears to be larger than life. These are the times that I cannot take my eyes off it. Whether it be a crescent moon, waxing, waning, or a full moon...it is beautiful. It looks especially haunting when it is shrouded in a certain color. Last night, it was a hanging crescent moon that was a light hued gold. The sight is always breathtaking.

When I see the moon like this, it reminds me of otherworldly things. My mind often goes into weird places. I am always amazed at how large the moon can look when it's like that. It doesn't look natural. It often reminds me that there are other things out there than this planet, this solar system. Then I go into a sort of existentialist thought process.

I used to have dreams in which I'd be looking up at the sky and the planets would suddenly appear to be these huge spheres, very detailed and very close. About as close as the moon. In these dreams, I'd be terrified of looking up and seeing the planets. Somehow, this played into my fear of heights. If I am standing on some elevated level and I look up, I feel like I am going to fall to my doom, heh.


A few days ago I felt numb because of all the exposure to the VT shootings. As much of a tragedy I know that was, now people will call themselves psychologists and attempt to diagnose that shy kid in the corner as the next school shooter.

No, no, and no.

I read in the news that one kid made some comments toward the shootings and it seemed like he was expressing sympathy for the shooter. He was arrested. Why? People he went to school with said they "feared" him. That is no reason to arrest someone. Unless he did commit some crime, he should not have been arrested. Are we trying to prevent future crimes from happening before any act is commited? I did not know we lived in a country where someone could be arrested for stating his or her opinion. I never knew that we were a police state. First right amendments, people. If some assholes can picket a funeral with their hateful comments and not be arrested, then this kid shouldn't have been arrested.

I am in no way condoning what happened at Virginia Tech. I am merely worried about the states of minds Americans are in right now. I was watching the news the other night, and some woman expressed her complete disgust at how the whole situation was handled and how this could have happened. She suggested that we put survelliance cameras in the dorm hallways and in the dorms themselves. Uh, no thanks. I value my privacy. Would you want a video camera in your bedroom? I think not. Taking away students' privacy is not going to prevent this from happening again.

It disgusts me how they are trying to figure out exactly what happened to this guy and how to prevent it from happening again. Unless the police can read minds, just watching behavior and reading the poems that some angsty kid wrote won't make anyone more knowledgeable about how to prevent this. I am afraid, however, that we will try to prevent it from happening anyway. That means more "security" measures and doing more things to ensure our safety. Sorry, but I am a little weary of our government's precautions to ensure my safety.

Anyway, sorry to ramble. I had a lot on my mind.

ramblings, dreams, wtf, me

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