Jun 09, 2006 14:50
Seriously. What the fuck.
At a stoplight, some guy apparently forgot where the break pedal is and bumped my car. Granted, it was only a bump and there was no damage, but still. Asshole bumped into my car. I would have gotten out of my car and grilled him, but I was going to be extremely late.
Almost late to school, stupidity, people cannot drive worth a crap, construction everywhere, I hate Six Forks Rd. with a fucking passion, and...yeah.
I will now give you all the stupidisms from my history class.
1. When talking about King Henry VIII and his many wives, and the one male heir he produced, Edward VI: "Edward the Sick or Edward the Sixth?"
2. "How many wives did he have?" After listing all of the wives.
3. When obviously talking about Queen Elizabeth I, given the time period: "Elizabeth the first or the second?"
4. When just finishing talking about how Queen Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry VIII: "Wait, so, who was her father?"
5. "Did [Queen] Elizabeth get rid of feudalism?"
6. "Was Pocahontas hot?"
7. When talking about the Regulator Movement, and how the militia shot the Regulator messenger in the back: "Was that the start of the saying 'Don't shoot the messenger'?"
8. When talking about the Lewis and Clark expedition, in reference to Lewis' first name, Meriweather: "Wait, who was the girl?"
9. The time period was the 1820s and discussing the Missouri Compromise: "Who were the slaves at this point? I mean, was it still Native Americans?"
10. When giving an oral presentation on Jefferson Davis: "I didn't know the Confederate States had a president. I thought it was just Abraham Lincoln."
11. When talking about the rumor of Jefferson Davis allegedly dressing up as a woman to escape the United States: "Oh, so he was a crossdresser?"
12. When talking about the Mexican-American war: "Was Steve Austin Mexican?"
13. When talking about California's rebellion against Mexican rule: "Was this the time Zorro appeared?"
This is not anywhere near all of it, but these are the ones that were most prominent that I just had to write down. I wish I had a tape recorder.
OH, and this morning on IM, this loverly message was waiting for me:
Confused girl on the internet: "your on my buddy list...do I know you?"
Me: "I have no idea"
I mean, WTF? If you put me on your buddy list, dumbass, then you know me somehow. I sure as hell didn't put myself on your buddy list, and I sure as hell don't know who you are. Keep your stupidity to yourself, please!
dumb quote of the day,
stupid people,
farking assholes,