OOC for team x

Nov 24, 2009 23:16

LKinneyX23: you know what ability I want to see?
LKinneyX23: artistry animation
LKinneyX23: the ability to draw things and bring them to life
ice cold wit: cooool~
ice cold wit: you know, that'd be best in a child.
LKinneyX23: and fml
ice cold wit: So freaking awesome.
LKinneyX23: i have a character in mind.
LKinneyX23: an old friend of Esme's
LKinneyX23: http://media.photobucket.com/image/jamie%20bell/demonickalfun/Bloggy/JamieBell3.jpg
ice cold wit: lol; the ballet boy
ice cold wit: hahaha
LKinneyX23: His name is Thackery James *nolastnameyet*.he's a fan of big words. he's incredibly smart. almost hyper intelligent
ice cold wit: I think John dislikes him.
ice cold wit: I can never tell.
ice cold wit: he's like this with everyone.
ice cold wit: *eye roll*
LKinneyX23: so he graduated the academy at 16 but stayed til he was 20. he and esme have the exact same birthday, 12 hours apart. and he was born in Doolin, County Clare Ireland.
LKinneyX23: actually i totally forgot to factor in the time difference between new york and ireland
LKinneyX23: but w/e
ice cold wit: lol
LKinneyX23: and I keep thinking Emma may or may not have tried to set the two up but Thackery enjoyed the rumor going around school that he was gay. Even though he's not
LKinneyX23: He likes drawing and studying too much to bother with romance
LKinneyX23: and esme loves john so
LKinneyX23: and now I have a ficlet in mind
ice cold wit: awww~
LKinneyX23: he's the personality opposite of John in that he's super friendly and really enjoys being around people.
LKinneyX23: but he knows how to hold his own in a fight and a snarkfest
LKinneyX23: and esme's his 'twin sister'
LKinneyX23: anyone that looked at her funny had to deal with him provided emma didn't get there first
ice cold wit: Emma: ... I can't be arsed with these fuckwits today. Send in Thackery.
LKinneyX23: AND he drew her her fisrt guitar
LKinneyX23: first
LKinneyX23: Thackery: *starts drawing a device that will simultaneously pants AND ballcheck the fuckwits and sends it at them*
LKinneyX23: http://lorinator.feminoise.com/img/daisy_rock.jpg the butterfly one. he drew her that one since he can't draw fireflies for shit
LKinneyX23: i should say her first electric guitar
ice cold wit: lol
ice cold wit: I'm really wondering how much John will like this guy.
LKinneyX23: probably not at all
LKinneyX23: and i refuse to take thackery on even though esme's telling me to
ice cold wit: It's not terribly likely.
LKinneyX23: Esme's just concerned how he's gonna react when Brian shows up
ice cold wit: Eyebrow raising of dooooom~
LKinneyX23: Esme: *eyeroll of , whatevs honey*
ice cold wit: John: *pout of pouty*
LKinneyX23: Esme:...*pouts in return*
ice cold wit: John: *smirk*
LKinneyX23: Thackery: *ignoring you all and making this face*
LKinneyX23: he needs a last name
LKinneyX23: Thackery James Bagley
LKinneyX23: Or Channing. Hmmm
LKinneyX23: nah wait i want something that'll make people go WTF how do you say that?
ice cold wit: you should look up Irish names.
LKinneyX23: Thackery James Oigthierna
LKinneyX23: there we go thats one idea
ice cold wit: those are usually a little tongue twistery
LKinneyX23: I GOT IT!
LKinneyX23: Thackery James Suileabháin
LKinneyX23: Esme:...and that is why I just call him "TJ"
LKinneyX23: Esme: Or Teej when he's being obnoxious
ice cold wit: John: Can I just call him ass?
LKinneyX23: Esme: No.
LKinneyX23: i just had this random scene in my head where thackery was trying to talk to esme on one of her first days at school and she kept turning his voice on him and giving him an earach
LKinneyX23: earache
LKinneyX23: and emma came in going *eyebrow* "play nice"
LKinneyX23: and esme went "...that was nice." and got another eyebrow for her trouble
ice cold wit: lol

To flesh out. Not a character for me.
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