OOC: Drabbles FTW!

Nov 12, 2009 17:04

1. Put your mp3 player on shuffle and take the first 25 songs it gives you.
2. Link to the lyrics
3. Let your friends assign you a song to write a drabble to.

1: Butterflies and Hurricanes - Muse lyrics
2: Lacrymosa - Evanescence lyrics
3: Help! - The Beatles lyrics
4: Thoughtless - Korn lyrics
5: Survivalism - Nine Inch Nails lyrics
6: The Great ( Read more... )


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demon_screaming November 13 2009, 02:45:23 UTC
It was almost the end of the school year. Tests were coming in thick and Esme was starting to feel the stress. Not to mention the failed mission that had her Firefly in the med bay for the better part of a month. Needless to say, Esme practically ached with stress. She didn't know how to handle being away from John. Not for this long.

He was right there but visits were limited. Everyone seemed to have ways of keeping her busy so she could let him rest. She was always told to wait, relax. It'll be fine.

It wasn't fine. She was not fine with being told to wait and see. Not where John was concerned. Esme was impatient to begin with, uncertainty made it worse.

At least Emma was keeping out of Esme's head. That was something.

Four AM and Esme couldn't sleep. She hadn't slept much since John had been injured and she was getting sick of it. She pulled herself out of bed, casting a glance at Laura. And Julian. They looked so peaceful, Laura's head on his chest and his arms wrapped around her.

With an annoyed snort (yes, she was annoyed at their lovey cutesy gagworthy cuddlefest and by annoyed what we really means is jealous), Esme left the room and started tiptoe-ing down the hall.

She bent the sound she made, pushed it away from herself so that should anyone detect it, they'd go looking elsewhere. That didn't work too well. As Esme rounded a corner, she almost ran into Ophelia. Her wings flared out in surprise, lifting her off the ground and back a foot or two.

Ophelia merely watched, an unreadable expression on her face as Esme landed. The younger girl stared at her feet, sure that she was in trouble. She was surprised when Ophelia reached a hand out to her face, cupping her cheek gently and tilting Esme's head to look in her eyes.

The older woman said nothing, merely touched her forehead to Esme's before looping around an arm around the girls shoulder and pulling her down the hall. Esme walked with her, wary and unsure until Ophelia pressed a button on the wall, calling for the elevator.

"Tried to run, to get away. Everyone saying that you should stay. Wait and see, see and wait. Those two words you surely hate. Alone at night, no rest for you. Ophelia knows this to be true. Come with me and you'll be fine. It's a secret, yours and mine."

Esme merely blinked at Ophelia, once again shocked at how much she had right and annoyed that she also had no clue what she was talking about. When they got to the medical wing, Ophelia nudged her towards Johns bed, handing her a blanket and putting a finger to her lips before grabbing a chair and taking up guard outside the door.

Esme was too stunned to move until John's tired voice caught her attention.

"What are you doing in here?" He watched her, concerned that she'd been injured as well. Esme looked from the blanket to John and back again before hurrying to the bed, climbing up beside him very carefully. He didn't mind this one bit and soon they were situated, just as they always slept. Her head on his chest and his fingers in her hair.

"Sleeping." Finally.


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