At least the hike was a good idea...

Jun 01, 2011 18:37

actually, the hike was fantastic. Got me out of the house in a way that didn't either involve school or work, gave me lots of decent exercise and reaffirmed that all the lunges I've been doing actually help (my bottom is still quite sore, thankyouverymuch). Plus the weather, which rained so much in the first 15 minutes that we almost turned around and gave up (which is saying a lot for two Pacific Northwest natives), suddenly decided to cooperate. It was cool and slightly sunny the next three hours, and didn't start raining until 15 minutes out of the parking lot. We are magic.

I saw enormous amounts of moss, a single Trillium and 45 metric tons of salal; had a donut in George's Bakery after the hike (you have to do this, it's The Law), then headed back home and ate a Dick's Deluxe (and milkshake!) to replace all those precious, precious calories I burned off earlier in the morning.

So why am I stressed out now? Because I have approx 24 hours worth of homework to do by Friday night, school all day tomorrow and my niece's birthday party tomorrow night, then Friday in the am I have to go start helping with The Wedding. I want to get this stupid wedding out of the way.

Plus, I am suddenly worried that my fic is not at all Eagle-ish, and crap crap crap OMG what am I even doing. I have such a hard time writing Marcus it isn't even funny. All I want to do is hide myself away and get through the rest of the chapter I'm stuck on (damn you, chapter 7!!) but I CAN'T.

I have to back to work now.


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