Writer's Block: Really, Truly

Mar 13, 2009 08:08

One who has experienced love at first sight could not possibly deny it.  Everyone who has yet to see that someone can only wonder and hope that it truly is possible.

I am one of the lucky.  It was toward the end of my first shift, on my first day of work, at my first job.  I was sitting in the manager's office, chatting about anime (she had this nifty anime angel scroll on her wall behind her desk), and roommates.  She had just finished telling me about her and her boyfriend's roommate, whom they referred to as their 'teenage son', because he was a mooch and a slob.  She had just finished her statement informing me that They (The Boss and The Boss's Boyfriend), had laid down the law with 'Their Teenage Son' that he was not to stop by work.  Period.  Because She would be damned if she would be put in a situation where this 'son' (who latched onto any girl who smiled at him and was immediately infatuated with her), suddenly fell head over heels for her new peon and she was suddenly being asked 'has she said' or 'has he said' questions.

I was sitting with my back to the door, and it was right before afternoon shift was due to arrive.  The outer office door opened.  I twisted.

Holy [bleeping] Heck!!!

In walked the hottest piece of man meat I have ever laid eyes on.

Now, I'm an unusual girl when it comes to preferences.  I've never really gone for that whole 'tall, dark, and handsome' stuff.  I like my guys neat.  As in compact.  Think soccer player rather than football or basketball jock.  I like them well-proportioned and fit without being muscle men, and I like them fast on their feet.

I am also an Irish woman with a thing about well-kept long hair.  Think Adrian Paul from the Highlander TV series.

Well, this gorgeous creature walks in the door, sets his backpack on the desk in the outer office, and immediately proceeds to fix his ponytail.  Sun-streaked blonde hair still hiding a bit of winter shade.  And it's about shoulder-blade length.

And bloody hell.  I've never been one of those girls who stares at a man's derier, but his is just perfect.  He's neat.  And compact.  He's obviously got really nice arms and shoulders under that fairly tight maroon sweater.

And that would be the point I when my neck started cramping from craning it around so far-- and the chair was a half inch shy of dumping me sideways onto the floor.

"Who is that?!"

I swear I can still see my former manager's smirk (business closed, she's now a very good friend) every time I remember what her response was.

"That would be D.  My older brother."

SHITE!  DAMMIT!  [insert more expletives here!!!]

What followed was six months of torture, being forced to keep my eyes and hands to myself while working with D.  I set daily speed records for counting the bank and handing over keys and then running out the door as fast as I could.

Until I discovered he likes the same music I do.  Literally.  He brought in a CD and set it playing and the first track on the disk was Blind Guardian playing 'Nightfall'.  I didn't know anyone else knew that band existed.  And he has really good taste in books.

He also knew immediately upon walking through the door when one of the guests had pissed me off, and he didn't let me walk out the door if I was still upset.  Two weeks later my sister gave me the ultimatum of asking him out or she would take him.  I talked to The Boss's Boyfriend, who talked to The Boss, who informed me that if I hurt him she would kill me.  Then she would fire me.

I made up my mind to tell him I was interested.  I worked myself up right good, too, so that by the time he showed up for his shift I was so nervous I was making myself nearly sick.  I hid in housekeeping for hours even after calling The Boss begging for help under the pretense of a 'movie night' at work.  D knew something was up and tried to help, but it really only made my stomach crawl higher up my throat.  In the end I came up with one little note stating I had no plans for the following Monday.  I never gave it to him, because apparently while The Boss's Boyfriend was in housekeeping with me giving me a peptalk, D was in the office with his sister, The Boss, wondering if I had seen a mafia hit and needed to 'disappear' or if he should ask me out to dinner.  The Boss, thank God, told him to go with the second option and they came to rescue me from housekeeping.

I didn't eat much of the pizza we ordered that night, but I distinctly remember that we watched some silly little movie called 'Prince Charming', with Christina Applegate as the Princess.

For the record, The Boss and The Boss's Boyfriend will become my Brother and Sister-In-Law in Summer 2010.  :)

relationships, true love, writer's block, love, love at first sight

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