An update on my world

Jun 10, 2007 22:28

Well another weekend of summer has come and gone. Like many other weekends new memories where created. I was invited to a graduation party and hung out with people that I havent seen in two weeks if not longer. Yes two weeks with out seeing anyone or hanging out with friends is a long time. The hang out it self was great, but there where some things that itched me the wrong way. I guess they are the reason why I decided to do an update on my life post.

First of, I got paid last friday. Which is good because I owe mother at least $1000, and another friend about $100, but that is no big deal. My next paycheck will cover those cost, but finally having fun is a good feeling. Reasoning because now I can offer to pay for my friends food and activities because Im that kew. Secondly, my working out is paying off well. Im seeing some improvements on my body that I like, hopefully I will have a great outcome in the end. Thirdly, Im thinking of doing something else with my summer other than work and play pokemon. I would most likely be either trying to learn how to do a hands stand or a back flip, yes Im bored and want to do something fun, or I would be working on wood projects. Sadly from now on I will have to charge for props I make, but I will say that my prices are and will be much better than most you see online. I am not perfect but I do make good props. So if there is something, or anything you wish me to make. Send me a picture, I will tell you if I can do it or not, and then give you a rough price on it. Side note, if I owe you a prop it wont be charged since I told you I would do it and told you there was no price for it.

Well life has to be balance always, so with all this good there also has to be some bad. I will start off by saying mother is as annoying as ever. Apperantly me giving her a week to think of a request is no longer a good thing, but then again she is a woman and woman keep changing their mind. First she wants to know a sometime in advance, then she wants to know the day off. I would appreciate some consistency, but then again that is too much to ask. On another note, there is something itching at me, but dont really know what it is. I dont want to think about it, because in all truth and reality if I do either a) someone will get hurt or b) I might fuck up my knuckles again. I myself perfer option b but that is just me and the way I like to deal with my problems. If you ask me I wont know what to tell you because as of right now my mind is going insane with assumptions of what it could be. But alas, it shouldnt be something of your concern. I will manage like I have in times before, storing inside and sealing it away. I guess that is a little thing that I should return on doing, because unlike most of my friends my highschool years where great, but that is because when ever there was a problem I would ignore it and hide it away. Reason why Im a little fucked in the head, but you know whatever life goes on. But anywho, what ever is bothering will probably be there all week and will update when I get over it or hide it away.

Anywho, enough of this. I will try to get my mind of it for the night and probably sleep if not, tomorrow will be a long day at work. Till next time children.
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