May 02, 2007 18:43
So I decided to give a little update of the world known as my life:
-One I've been getting lots of practice on wood work so my skills have if you wish for something to be done send me a picture and I will tell you if I can do it and how much it will cost you...gotz to pay bills somehow :P
-Two I may actually have a cosplay for Fanime this year...woot...downer some other people might not so I will see what I can do to help out the situation
-Three I gotz monies :D...yes after being poor for a while I dont have to ask people for money but rather offer :D...woot
-Fourth school is almost over...may 15th is the last day so I have one day to rest then Fanime.
Hmmm...thats all I can think off my update to you children...probably this summer I will continue that story I started a while back...just havent been in the mood to write...well I have been but I shouldnt have written because my thoughts...well they werent pretty...and some people might have gotten hurt by them. Till next time this is your local demon of hope logging out :P