Been awhile...

Jan 19, 2008 22:00

So yeah, it's been awhile since I've updated lol, what have I been up to? Eh not much, nothing new or exciting. Still working at Walts..god, I fucking hate that fucking job...I can't wait til the Spring so I can apply somewhere else that pays more. Hell, I'll even go as far and applying at the damn mall for fucks sake. Hungout with Stella and HoopZ last night, was hilarious, as always. I worked, picked HoopZ up then went to Stellas where we then took the journey to Taco Hell and ate and had more hilarious/special moments...damn I wonder what all the people around us think haha. Probably nothing good. Eh, well. We're special!!! We then went back to Stellas and watched Beer League haha that movies fuckin hilarious, it has no point to it which makes it funnier lol. Hmm, what else...ooooh! the new Negative dvd is coming out soon! In The Eye Of The Hurricane! I cant waaait! lol. And speaking of Negative...Sir Christus left the band...that's so depressing...I s'pose Jonne and Mr. Christus broke up haha, aww Jonne doesnt have his boy-toy anymore. Ah, well...he still has Mr. Larry Love lol. The other night me and HoopZ went over to Nicoles and hadda very intense air hockey game which led to HoopZ getting injured lol. We were even at the point where we didnt have one puck on the table but four! haha. it was crazy. We came to the conclusion that we're having a rave in Nicole's basement haha, that should be interesting. We'll see.

Last night at around 12:30 when I was walking up the porch stairs I heard a really loud ass noise in the backyard that scared the fuck outta me so I booked it up the stairs and into the house lol. I dont know what the fuck it was but yeah lol. Lately the moon has been shining directly into my fucking window right down on me...when I'm trying to sleep mind you lol. it's quite annoying now...a big ass moon shining right at you when you're trying to sleep...oh yeah. I have to clean my room one of these I almost killed myself while getting outta bed, I tripped over my blankets, stepped on something sharp and landed into a pile of random shit on my floor...yeah...when that happens I think it's time to clean the room haha. I have to finish Queer as Folk and give it back to Nicole one of these years haha, I've had that for probably over a year and I still havent finished it! I have like no time to watch anything anymore though...I use to always watch movies and tv and shit, now...nope, no time. But yeah...that's about all thats been going on so I'm going downstairs, getting comfy on the couch and watching Queer as Folk...hopefully I'll finish it this time haha. Doubt it.
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