Go girl power! Go slash!

Sep 13, 2006 21:06

When Harding came back from Australia, he left a flyer in my room for Girl Wonder. It's a website for feminist comic book fans who want to promote less cheesecake and more believable women who aren't sexually objectified.

Huw had a fun time with me after I'd read a whole load of feminist rants, I can tell you that. Poor boy. He'll learn.

Anyway, I was reading it today and there was an amusing story I wanted to share for a few reasons.

Stephen (one of their regular bloggers) was relating the opinion of a man that a woman can't be a superhero until she's had children.

Yes, you read that right.

His argument is that the ability to bear children is a superpower and if a woman doesn't feel morally obligated to use that superpower, she won't feel the moral compunction to use her other powers to be a hero.

Yes, I know...anyway...amusing Stephen-quote time:

You can't have it both ways

Certainly not if you're a lesbian. That's the very definition of one way traffic. You're confusing the issue with bisexuality. That's two way traffic. Then there's Dick "Boom Boom" Grayson who's a one man freeway of sexual conduct. He has it any which way including loose, interspecies, intergender, and I'm sure he's humped the Batmobile at least once. But I digress.

It's SO true! Heh.

That's all really.


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