CSI Season 6 Finale

Jul 11, 2006 21:59

My first thought is - that could have been worse. A lot worse.

And I'm finding myself surprisingly okay about it.

I found the cute flirty flirty stuff this ep actually...cute and flirty. The duel-style photography actually amused me and the last scene didn't kill me dead, mostly because I was very much warned, but I felt no need of a sick bucket. We'll see how they take it from here, but whilst I'm still a Gil/Cath girl at heart, I can live.

And Brass! Beloved Brass! When his 'fan club' were all along the glass, and when Cath and David jumped when Emergency Backup David brought in the body - real tension.

As for the crime-solving, I wasn't very impressed. As soon as I saw the waist, I thought corsetry. How did it take them that long to realise that? Silly.

And Nick worrying about his waist? PUT THE CALORIE COUNTER DOWN! If he gets skinny again, I'm writing a letter. A strongly-worded letter telling him that being invisible from the side is NOT GOOD. Grr @ George Eads' silliness.

All in all, an acceptable season but NY still rules all.


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