A Lot of Film and TV

Jul 08, 2006 22:07

So, what have I been doing whilst not-in-Antigua? Watching.

I can't say I was overwhelmed with love for this film, but I will probably buy the DVD. It was looooong, at 150 minutes and a lot of that seemed quite aimless. It wasn't as fun as the first one either, because undead pirates are less scary than a great tentacled thing that sinks ships. Also, I must say I have a small soft spot for Jack/Elizabeth. Mostly because I can't stant Elizabeth/Will and Jack/Will...bleh. He betrayed him! In a completely unforgiveable way that distresses me and THEN THEY FIGHT! Having known each other and entirely seriously, making it so much worse that the blatantly erotic fight at the beginning of the first film. And the daddy issues thing will hopefully be most satisfactory in the third film, because one of the redeeming features of this film was the end, with Jack being eaten by the Kraken and Barbossa turning up! Hurrah! So...we'll see.

I cried, I confess. But I'm glad she isn't dead. It means there is some room for return. And he almost said it! I knew he'd be cut off, because he had to be, but she said it and I'm so glad she did, so he knew for sure. And then he started to say it and ARGH! Tears, so many tears. He looked so heartbroken standing against that wall.

The Cyberman and Dalek bitch fight was hilarious; it's something about the metallic voices that makes sarcasm all the funnier. And Mickey and his boyfriend turned up, and Pete and Jackie were 'reunited' - it tied up all that family's storylines. Doesn't make me any less sad. Also, I was really hoping Captain Jack would turn up, but nevermind. Did Catherine Tate have to ruin my sorrow though? Grr. Still, a fine season - Billie, you will be missed.

Flack! My beautiful beautiful Flack! Ooh, it was intense, wasn't it? I really liked how driven this episode was and I think it really finished off this exciting season as it deserved. NY is my favourite of the CSIs right now and I never thought I'd say that! I also didn't think I'd be shipping two het couples for a show and no slash pairings! Mac and Stella are delightful and always have been, and now Danny and Lindsay are practically canon (squee!) with the whole 'he likes you' and ending the season with him giving her a lift home? I mean, does he still have a girlfriend or has she been swept away? Let's hope, eh? But despite the Mac/Flack (ooh, it rhymes!) vibes they were throwing at me, I won't do it. Just...no.

Weird, huh?

doctor who, ny

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