Big Happy Squee

May 24, 2006 10:47

Well, Ladies (and Gentleman ;)), I am happy to say that My Very Significant Other (EDIT: Because Huw is a NITPICKER!) and I have been dating 6 Months today! *happy sigh*

Unfortunately, I have exams today and tomorrow, so we're going out to lunch on Friday before he goes back to Essex on the weekend to play cricket. Such busy lives!

In other news, we have the keys to our house and my room's being painted next week! Two very fetching shades of blue, and then I get to buy furniture! Bookcases! Oh, how I miss bookcases!

Also - amusing thing I received through my e-mail, check it out!

In the clear
You can stand up straight and walk tall, no one's after you, unless they're trying to nick something from you! It's good to behave 100% correctly and to the letter of the law, though it's hardly life on the edge…

Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 5 Potential fine: £2000

Take the quiz here!

ETA: I e-mailed it to my Mum, to which she replied:
Hi Beth
I am quite concerned to what you have been up to to get to that amount I think it is better I do not know!!!!
Your mother is an ideal citizen no years in prison or any fines.
I am sure your father will not get off so lightly
Lots of love

meme: self, anniversary, housey, uni, huw

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