Fandom ramblings

Feb 26, 2006 19:46

Ha - a kiss! I knew that was going to happen the moment Elizabeth got possessed, oh yes. And their reaction after - priceless. Love them. Don't ask me what's going on with Rodney and Carson, but Carson randomly followed Rodney to the ZPM room with no real reason for doing so. Insanity rules.

Very disturbing, very dark but actually quite appreciated. Nick and Greg almost had contact, if you count waving across a desert - it is *so* deliberate. I hate TPTB; or, at least, I would if they weren't giving my continuity in the shape of Nick's claustrophobia. Hmph.

Hurrah! Am loving this show, and have got the boyf into it now! It's so perfect and so well put together, and I've finally realised why I recognise the new girl - she was on Medical Investigation! Good stuff., didn't think I'd ever put it over Vegas but I am.

Random fact: My boyfriend is VERY VERY clever - after his exam panic, he's actually averaging a First, and was top for one essay and third for another in a year of 250-odd. *very proud*

csi, atlantis, ny, huw

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