Fandom vent

Feb 08, 2006 16:05

I am not turning into MajsCarter, I won't do it, but - GAH!

I cannot believe them! I cannot believe my moderators have vanished off the face of the earth! I'm going to have to watch the place like a HAWK.

Maureen and Marcia have been arguing. Again. Onlist. And involving Aless too! And about what? Pairings. Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, on MY list, someone dared to tell someone else they couldn't extol a pairing! What are we, Daniel&Samantha? From the old days, from that horrible time? And Marcia, of course, bit back and HARD. I have never seen such horror in fandom, I can't believe what it degenerated into! And I got there three days late.

I am disgusted.

In other news...

Hawkes is a CSI now?! When did that happen? And Stella's leaving? This is what I get for missing the last four episodes. How am I going to catch up on those? Grr

And I missed the first CSI! Which means I have no idea why Warrick is MARRIED (?!) and Greg is trying to impress ECKLIE. They're also doing some weird arty thing with split-screens, which was kinda weird, and yes, I got their point with 'Mad World' and the movie star lying beside the immigrant, very clever. I miss Sobell.

csi, sdr, ny

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