Suspect shot dead in London

Jul 22, 2005 12:43

I'm feeling a little confused right now. I despise terrorism - the mindless slaughter aside, it damages one's own cause and so there can never be a victory. Why do it? What are these people's goals? But that is not why I am shocked today.

Apparantly, police were searching a man's bag and he ran. There was a chase and, according to an eyewitness, the man was pinned by one officer and THEN another shot him five times in the back, killing him.

What exactly happened to our criminal justice system? The man was caught, he was no longer a threat, why on earth kill him?!

There's going to be retribution to this - I think we just made a whole new set of enemies. And I'm not exactly proud of my country right now, if this is what's going to happen in future.


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