CSI Finale

Jun 16, 2005 17:33

So, I just saw 'Grave Danger.'

Well, that was intense. I must say it's one of the finest pieces of drama I have seen in a long time. I was hooked, I was enthralled and I was wailing every three minutes or so. Big actor kudos, especially to George Eads because if the man didn't rock my world before, he's now right up there with my favourite all-time actors.

The plot was intense, the evidence all so very slowly linking together and just nudging into place in time. The character reactions were dead on (and I am trawling through nickandgreg.com as soon as I'm done with TWoP, let me tell you), the direction beautiful and the pace of the thing unparalleled. When they thought they'd found him the first time, my heart, she stopped.

The webcam was a horrific but well-devised notion, adn the only thing that was really odd were the little character sketches, where you have random diversions into irrelevant conversations - Warrick and Nick in the locker room, Sam's friends at the table, the cowboy lawyer. I guess I'm used to CSI where every single thing is of vital importance to the plot, but it was a nice change. Not sure my heart could hack it all the time, but a change.

I...don't know what to say. Just...wow. My mind, she is blown.


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