Television love!

Apr 30, 2005 22:27

Dalek! WOO-HOO! I personally loved this episode, think it's the best one so far, but agree with my friend Danny when he says they shouldn't have done the empathy trip and given the thing emotions. Hopefully, we'll have some proper Daleks later/next season.

Also, I am seriously in love with CSI: New York.

Wow - this episode blew me away completely. The edgy, violent opener and the brilliance of the snowfield - fantastic contrast direction. And then, just before the first credit break, the grieving husband leaping through the morgue window like that, blood all over Danny. Yikes. Scared me, thrilled me, great stuff.

And then the whole mob storyline with none other than Michael DeLuise (when his name came up on credits, I couldn't remember which one he was, but when I saw him it was obvious - Wormhole Xtreme's Jack!) as the apathetic murderer, with (finally!) some decent character background for Danny - rich Italian, and then the shock revelation at the end that this guy knows all about Danny, as Danny knows about him.

I was suspicious when Mac congratulated him for resisting Tanglewood and doing well for himself - his face with kinda closed, but that last scene! How I love this show! My poor poor Danny! *huggles him* Can't wait to see where they go with that.

doctor who, ny

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