Aieee! In love with Mac!

Feb 05, 2005 21:55

I keep falling in love. Thank goodness it's usually with fictional characters.

So, Mac is just as adorable now as he was when sparking off H. I spent most of this episode 'aww'ing at him.

His female partner is a BITCH. Well, she's highly insensitive and annoys me already. In fact, so does the other woman. Great, annoying women!

Danny is still pretty - glasses! As if the coroner.

The direction and lighting are fantastically combined - they have a real chiaroscuro thing going on, and it works really well for them. Also, gritty scary start with a good plot and amazing acting. There is a definite evolution of the CSIs towards a more serious tone - Vegas is fairly light even now, lots of teasing and jokes; Miami tried for serious, but you still have the Speed-Delko-Calleigh banter to keep it alive (denialdenialdenialdenial); and now NY - nothing funny there at all. Maybe it'll pick up later, but I saw a far more weighty show. And I like them all *because* of those differences not in spite of them.

I am just a sucker for good acting and pretty men.


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